
Vocational Training to Combat Irregular Migration

As part of efforts to combat significant levels of irregular
migration from Senegal, the Senegalese government and IOM have set
up a programme to provide vocational training to young Senegalese
who wish to set up their own small enterprise.

The programme, which is funded by the European Commission, has
already benefited 80 young would-be entrepreneurs, including women,
who have graduated from a two-week intensive business course in the
capital, Dakar, and in the towns of Mbour, Saint-Louis and

Beneficiaries, who were selected on the basis of their business
plan and include young migrants who failed in the attempt to reach
Europe illegally, also received office equipment and a small
start-up grant of up to USD 5,000.  

"I've survived doing odd jobs for the past ten years," says
26-year-old Assane Touré who trained as an electrician. "The
knowledge and financial support I've received will help me set up
and manage my own small enterprise."

As part of the programme, another 20 administrators from
Senegal's regional centres for education and employment also
received two-week training on how to best support young Senegalese
who have business ideas and plans but no knowledge or

For further information, please contact:

Abibatou Wane

IOM Dakar

Tel: +221 869 6200

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