
Venezuelan officials undergo migration management training

Argentina - This week the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Relations, with the support of IOM, is conducting a two-week training program on: “Basic Concepts of Public Policy and Migration Management” for Venezuelan officials.  

The training program aims to strengthen the technical capacities of officials on issues of migration management and the development of public policies and programs linked to migration issues.

The training course includes the implementation of six modules: Policies and Programs on International Migration, History of International Migration, Migration Information, International and National Migratory Regulations, Programs on Integration of Migrants, and Connecting and Fostering the Return of Co-nationals Abroad.  

International experts from Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador and México, together with experts from Venezuela’s National Experimental University for Security, will present the six modules.

The project was made possible by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry through the Chancellery’s Office of Multilateral Issues and Integration and Venezuelan academia. Support is also being provided by IOM’s Regional Office in Buenos Aires and the IOM missions in Bogota and Caracas. 

For more information please contact

Magdalena Mactas
IOM Buenos Aires
Tel.: +54 (9) 11 67 35 61 60