
USD 8.9 Million to Rehabilitate Schools Affected by the Rains in Colombia

The Colombian Ministry of Education and IOM are investing USD 8.9
million to relocate, rebuild, repair and equip schools located in
areas affected by natural disasters or by violence.

In Tumaco, on the southern Pacific coast, recent floods
destroyed 1,110 homes, wiped out 20,000 hectares of crops and left
32,000 severely affected.  This community is one of the first
to benefit from the new initiative, with the rehabilitation of 12
schools, including two additional classrooms and a bathroom.

Schools in the municipalities of Guapi and Timbiquí, in the
Department of Cauca in southern Colombia, will also benefit from
this agreement.

A Technical Committee in charge of monitoring and follow-up will
be responsible for defining other areas of the country that will
benefit, based on priorities put forth by local governments.

The new agreement will hold community workshops to offer advice
on management and maintenance of the projects rehabilitated, with
the aim of promoting community ownership and social

Of the total resources, USD 8.5 million will be contributed by
the Ministry of Education, and the remaining USD 400,000 will be
contributed by IOM.

For more information contact:

Jorge Andrés Gallo

IOM Colombia

Tel: + 57 1 594 6410 Ext. 142

Mobile: + 311 561 94 95

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