
US Ambassador Visits Communities Helped in Northern Border of Ecuador

The US Ambassador to Ecuador, Heather Hodges, and other
representatives from the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) officially visited several projects in
Sucumbíos province  implemented through IOM's Northern
Border Development Programme.

The Ambassador visited the community of General Farfán
where 1200 people have benefitted from a new water and waste
system, the APAFANO Shelter, and coffee producers from "Sol de
Oriente" Coffee Plant.

At the APAFANO Shelter, where IOM has carried out various
activities with USAID funding and in coordination with the
Ecuadoran government, conditions for Colombians seeking
international protection have been optimized. The shelter has a
capacity to temporarily house about 200 people in buildings located
on the grounds and another 400 in tents. In an emergency, 600
people can be provided with secure shelter. Many Colombian families
flee to Sucumbíos during outbreaks of violence in southern
Colombian and are often housed in the APAFANO Shelter.

The Sucumbíos Province, located in northeastern Ecuador
is considered the most vulnerable region of the country due to the
effects of the Colombian conflict. Sucumbíos shares an
extensive and porous border with the Colombian department Putumayo
which is heavily affected by the armed conflict in Colombia.

Since 2001 IOM has been carrying out, social and productive
infrastructure projects in the provinces along Ecuador's northern
border, with funding provided by USAID. Nearly 75,000 people have
directly benefited from the Program in Sucumbíos. The
Program is serving residents of these provinces as well as
Colombians coming to this area.

Today, around 310 projects have been built providing these
underserved communities along the Northern Border with basic
services such as potable water, sanitation systems, and roads to
improve transportation and benefiting over 460,000 people.

For more information, please contact:

Ana Guzman


Tel:  + (593-2) 225-3948

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