
UN Migration Agency Provides Emergency Shelter, Assistance to 319 Displaced Families in Zimbabwe

Some of the displaced families in southwestern Zimbabwe who received support from IOM, the UN Migration Agency.

Zimbabwe - On 15 and 16 July, the UN Migration Agency (IOM) distributed emergency shelter kits and non-food items to 319 households (1,595 individuals) in Tsholotsho District, Matabeleland North Province, who were displaced by floods in February 2017. The aim of this assistance is to provide protection and restore the dignity of displaced households through the provision of emergency shelter materials, cooking utensils, clothes and sanitary materials.

The displaced families stayed at the Sipepa Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp from February 2017 until the end of June 2017, when the Government of Zimbabwe relocated the internally displaced persons (IDPs) to higher ground in the Tshino and Saudweni resettlement areas in the same district.

The support was provided under the Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) project Provision of Emergency Shelter and NFI kits to Households Affected by 2017 Displacement Inducing Floods and Tropical Cyclone Dineo in Zimbabwe.

Each household received two tarpaulins and four poles for shelter construction; a shelter toolkit comprising a shovel, hoe, machete, pair of shears, saw, hammer, rope, tying wire and three kilos of nails. A non-food item pack was also provided that included cooking utensils, mosquito nets, clothes, sanitary pads, water purification tablets and a 20-litre bucket with a lid.

In addition to receiving these materials, beneficiaries received training to construct and maintain the emergency shelters. As a demonstration, two shelters were built for the most vulnerable households during this training. The Building Back Better concept was emphasized whereby beneficiaries were encouraged to consider the importance of basic construction measures such as proper site identification and the use of materials that can withstand the common hazards, such as floods, occurring in the area.

‘’The emergency shelter will allow us to enjoy family privacy again,” said Sikosana Moyo, who occupies one of the demonstration houses. “For the first time since we were displaced by floods in February 2017, we truly feel that we have a home and it is a good feeling. The tools in the shelter kit will empower us significantly because these are the basic household tools.’’

‘’This assistance will go a long way in ensuring protection of the affected households especially during this cold period,” said Lily Sanya, IOM Zimbabwe Chief of Mission. “The emergency shelters will enable relocated households to plan for their future in terms of stabilization and recovery.”

Other partners including UNICEF and UNFPA are also providing water and sanitation, education and reproductive health support.

Above-normal rainfall – worsened by the effects of Tropical Cyclone Dineo in March, 2017 – resulted in severe flooding that affected 36 districts in Zimbabwe. At least 2,600 houses were destroyed, leaving thousands of people homeless. The Government of Zimbabwe declared a state of national disaster and appealed for international assistance to respond to the emergency.

For more information, please contact Gideon Madera at IOM Zimbabwe, Tel: +263 4 704285, Email: