
UN Migration Agency Launches Community Action Plan in Dollow, Somalia

Dollow – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, in coordination with UN Habitat and the Ministry of Interior, launched a Community Action Plan (CAP) in Dollow, Somalia last week (27/06).

The action plan aims to provide a platform to involve citizens in the planning of community projects for effective social integration, governance, conflict transformation and capacity building at the local level. Participants include vulnerable people such as internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, women and girls, and host communities.

Additionally, the process will empower different socio-economic groups to actively participate in defining and making informed decisions on development interventions that are especially relevant to them, resulting in the production of a community action plan.

The Deputy Governor of the Gedo Region, Osman Nuh Macalimow, noted: “The community action plan outlines the current situation and community vision for peaceful coexistence, social cohesion and sustainable development in Dollow.”

The launch event was attended by UN agencies, IDP representatives, returnees, local and international NGOs including World Vision, COOPI, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

Based on the priorities identified in the Dollow Community Action Plan, IOM is in the process of constructing an airport terminal hall and a health centre, as well as the rehabilitation of Dollow orientation centre and several district offices.

UN Habitat, a key partner in the project, is supporting the local government of Dollow with analysis for urban planning consultations, and with durable solutions for protracted displacement. Together with IOM, they also assisted in the construction of a market at Qansaxley IDP camp, the construction of Kabasa IDP primary school and the rehabilitation of a Dollow orientation centre.

Previously, IOM has facilitated other community-based projects in Kismayo and Baidoa such as the construction of two primary schools, a market shed, market road and police station.

Dollow Community Action Plan is part of the Midnimo project implemented jointly by IOM and UN Habitat with funding from the Peace Building Fund.

For more information please contact Ben Mbaura at IOM Somalia, Tel: +252 61973143, Email: