
UN Migration Agency, ILO Host Training to Include Migration in National and Local Policies

 The training offered a participatory environment where attendees from 16 different nationalities shared views and experiences. Photo: Agnes Farge 2017

La capacitación ofreció un medioambiente participativo en donde los participantes de 16 nacionalidades compartieron puntos de vista y experiencias. Foto: Agnes Farge, 2017.

 The training offered a participatory environment where attendees from 16 different nationalities shared views and experiences. Photo: Agnes Farge 2017

 The training offered a participatory environment where attendees from 16 different nationalities shared views and experiences. Photo: Agnes Farge 2017

La capacitación ofreció un medioambiente participativo en donde los participantes de 16 nacionalidades compartieron puntos de vista y experiencias. Foto: Agnes Farge, 2017.

 The training offered a participatory environment where attendees from 16 different nationalities shared views and experiences. Photo: Agnes Farge 2017

 The training offered a participatory environment where attendees from 16 different nationalities shared views and experiences. Photo: Agnes Farge 2017

La capacitación ofreció un medioambiente participativo en donde los participantes de 16 nacionalidades compartieron puntos de vista y experiencias. Foto: Agnes Farge, 2017.

 The training offered a participatory environment where attendees from 16 different nationalities shared views and experiences. Photo: Agnes Farge 2017

Turin – Over 40 participants from 16 nationalities are attending training on Mainstreaming Migration into Policy Planning from 30 October to 3 November. The training takes place under the auspices of the ILO International Training Centre in Turin.

The five-day course will combine lectures and discussions, case studies, open space debates, role play exercises, networking and group work. It aims to provide a space for dialogue and knowledge sharing among government officials, practitioners, representatives of workers’ and employers’ organizations and members of international development agencies.

“Mainstreaming Migration into Policy Planning” is an innovative concept, which recognizes the complex nature of migration and its relationship with a broad range of policies relating to development. Integrating migration into development and other governance policies is a proven mechanism for achieving policy coherence. The event gathers representatives of national and local authorities from all regions to promote exchanges on how to achieve such policy coherence, not only across different sectors, but also between both levels of government.

The event is divided into four building blocks that will enable participants to learn more about the nature of the link between migration and development, the mainstreaming processes, as well as engage in networking activities to exchange their experiences with peers. Participants will also join interactive activities where they will analyse the mainstreaming process in fictional countries.

“What we are doing in this academy is crucial for us to understand how to work towards having migration governance frameworks in countries that ensure migration governance is linked to and aligned with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” said Cecile Riallant, IOM Senior Migration and Development Specialist and one of the training’s facilitators. “Indeed, migration affects and is affected by all areas of governance and thus its good governance is a key success factor for the achievement of all the SDGs,” she added.

The training builds on the momentum from the inclusion of migration-specific and migration-relevant goals and targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as other global processes such as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development.

This training takes place within the context of the second phase of the Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies programme, a joint effort between IOM and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

For more information, please contact Jorge Galindo at IOM HQ, Tel: +41227179205, Email: