
UN Migration Agency Hosts Global Meeting of Consultative Processes on Migration

Geneva - The Seventh Global Meeting of Chairs and Secretariats of Regional, Inter-regional and Global Consultative Processes on migration (GRCP 7) took place on 10 and 11 October 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. This year’s discussion focused on inter-state consultation mechanisms on migration and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

The meeting brought together representatives of 19 inter-state (at the regional, inter-regional or global level) consultation mechanisms on migration. Representatives of UN Regional Commissions and regional economic organizations, also participated. The meeting sought to identify common inputs to the Global Compact.

“The Seventh Global RCP Meeting is a key opportunity for all consultative processes on migration and their regional partners to contribute towards the formulation of the Global Compact as a comprehensive international cooperation framework on migrants and human mobility,” said UN Migration Director General William Lacy Swing. 

IOM has engaged with various regional, inter-regional and global processes on migration around the world since the 1990s to advance multilateral understanding and action on migration trends and challenges. Since 2005, IOM has endeavored to bring them together on a regular basis (previous meetings were held in Thailand, Peru, Botswana and Egypt) to foster synergies and exchanges among the various consultative processes.

The outcome document of the meeting combines all the good practices and partnerships derived from regional approaches in various parts of the world, which can be considered during the preparation for the Global Compact.

For more information, please contact Kristina Galstyan at IOM HQ, Tel: +41 (0) 22 7179419, Email: