
UN Migration Agency Delivers Boat Management Course to Immigration and Naturalization Officers

IOM handed over a search and rescue boat to the Immigration and Naturalization Directorate (IND) of Somalia to help the country’s marine border management capacity.  Photo: IOM

Somalia – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, has handed a search and rescue boat over to the Immigration and Naturalization Directorate (IND) of Somalia. The rescue boat will enhance the country’s marine border management capacity to save lives of trafficking victims and irregular migrants, while increasing the ability to protect migrants at sea. A week-long training was conducted from 12 to 16 February 2018 for five immigration patrol officers.

Successful search and rescue missions depend on competent, well-trained maritime security officers, with the skills to effectively navigate sea waters to save those at risk and protect lives.

Maritime security is a priority in Somalia, given the country’s vast sea border – one of the largest in Africa. Somalia’s maritime border is a conduit for irregular migration, with migrants using the northern corridor crossing the Gulf of Aden toward Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Europe. Border management authorities aim to build their capacities in detection and response to address this trend.  

As maritime security and patrolling is relatively novel territory for the IND, there is a need to build immigration officers’ capabilities in boat management prior to commencing actual boat operations or search and rescue missions along Mogadishu’s Seaport.

The five-day Level 2 Powerboat course, conducted in Malindi, Kenya, also offered participants a chance to participate in practical sessions in the Indian Ocean waters. The course covered basic engine mechanics, daily checks, parts identification, fault findings, boat management and basic first aid.

According to an IOM-commissioned Trafficking in Persons Assessment in South and Central Somalia (October 2016), sea transportation is the most utilized form of transport by traffickers to facilitate the movement of victims. The procurement of a boat in addition to the capacity building is part of an IOM-managed project Multi-Sectoral Response to Humanitarian Situations and Capacity Building to Address Human Security and Stability, funded by the Government of Japan.

For more information please contact Programme Support Unit at IOM Somalia, Tel: +254715990600, Email: