
UN-IOM Corporate Social Responsibility Event in Pakistan Provides Opportunity for Private Sector Flood Relief

Pakistan's JS Bank Limited will host and organize a conference in
partnership with the United Nations and IOM, on rehabilitation and
reconstruction for flood affected areas of Sindh to take place on
Monday, 8 November.

The event will bring together some 500 representatives of
Pakistani corporate entities, the Sindh Provincial Disaster
Management Authority (PDMA) and key humanitarian agencies,

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (UNOCHA) coordinates the international humanitarian
community's overall response to Pakistan's worst floods on the

"We salute the private sector and philanthropists of Pakistan
who have opened their hearts to the vulnerable men, women and
children whose lives have been devastated by these catastrophic
floods," said Martin Mogwanja, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for

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IOM, which is supporting the event with JS Bank, UNICEF and
other agencies, coordinates the Shelter Cluster, a group of some 70
aid agencies working together to provide shelter to flood

The floods have affected over 18 million people, leaving an
estimated 14 million people in need of immediate humanitarian aid
and an estimated 1.7 million homes damaged or destroyed. Aid
agencies have provided emergency shelter to around 3.8 million
flood victims, but the magnitude of the disaster is unprecedented
and at least 6.3 million people are currently without shelter.

"The event aims to maximize the respective strengths in local
knowledge of the Pakistani private sector and the humanitarian
community to support the immediate needs of flood victims and
provide direction toward the longer term," says IOM Regional
Representative for West and Central Asia Hassan Abdel Moneim

"A number of Karachi-based firms have expressed the wish to get
actively involved in the flood relief and recovery and to support
the humanitarian community in the huge effort needed to bring aid
to millions of flood victims," he adds.

The event represents a unique platform for private corporations
and key humanitarian actors to exchange information. It will
provide the private sector with a range of options on how to get
involved in the early recovery effort and support the flood
response in the longer term.

For more information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300 856 0341

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Eliane Engeler

Tel: +92.300 852 6357

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