
UK Funds IOM Shelter Aid for 180,000 Flood Victims in Sindh

The United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID)
has allocated GBP 4 million (USD 6.4 million) to IOM to provide
emergency and early recovery shelter aid to displaced families in
Pakistan's flood-stricken Sindh province.

The money, which will also support IOM's coordinating role in
the provision of emergency shelter, will pay for household kits,
each comprising two plastic tarpaulins, ropes, poles and pegs, four
blankets and a solar lamp for some 18,000 families.

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DFID has sent shelter kits for 15,000 families to Karachi port,
which IOM is distributing in Sindh province. DFID has also provided
funding for ropes and poles to complete shelter kits for a further
37,440 families.

"The shelter kits – plastic tarpaulins, ropes, poles and
pegs - are often preferable to tents as they can subsequently be
reused in the construction of more durable shelters," says IOM's
Regional Adviser for Emergency and Stabilization, Brian Kelly.

"The solar lamps, which we added to our emergency shelter kit
this year, aim to address protection concerns for women, children
and other vulnerable groups living in temporary settlements," he

The DFID funding will also support the construction of 7,800
early recovery shelters in priority districts in Sindh, providing
transitional homes for some 54,600 people. The program will help
each family to construct a durable, flood-resistant shelter,
incorporating low or no-cost disaster risk reduction techniques
wherever possible.

Some nine million people have been affected by the floods that
hit southern Pakistan in August. In Sindh, an estimated 1.58
million houses in Sindh have been damaged or destroyed.

For more information on the work of the IASC Emergency Shelter
Cluster in Sindh, which is led by IOM, please go to: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
"" target=

For other information, please contact the IOM Pakistan Emergency
and Stabilization Support Unit at: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
""> and visit IOM Pakistan's
Facebook page at "" target="_blank"