
Travel Document Examination and Intelligent Profiling

The IOM Office in Port of Spain is organizing a 10-day training
course for immigration and law enforcement officers at the
Specialist Crime Academy of the Special Anti-Crime Unit of Trinidad
and Tobago (SAUTT).

The course titled "Document Examination and Intelligent
Profiling" gets underway today with more than 120 participants from
the National Police, Immigration, Customs, the Coast Guard and the
Fraud Unit.

IOM experts will be joined by Immigration Division trainers to
provide hands-on training in:

  • Fraudulent Documents
  • Counterfeiting
  • Security Features of Passports
  • Passport Examination
  • Detection of Imposters
  • Risk Profiling

Tom Sinkovits, IOM Chief of Mission in Trinidad and Tobago, says
the course is vital for the authorities to better manage migration.
"Transnational criminals and irregular migrants are using document
fraud and counterfeit travel documents to enter and depart
countries and this is a challenge for the border security systems
of Trinidad and Tobago and other countries in the region. This
course will help keep immigration and law enforcement officers one
step ahead of them."

The course will also be held on the island of Tobago to reach
out to officers serving at its busy air and sea ports.

The training is taking place as part of IOM's "Strengthening
Technical Capacity in Trinidad and Tobago to Enhance Migration
Management and Regional Security" project financed by the US
Department of State.

For further information, please contact:

Niurka Piñeiro

IOM Washington

Tel: 1-202-862-1826 ext.225

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