
Training on Migration Data Collection and Sharing between Different Institutions

IOM, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior, organized on October 1st 2017, a training on data collection and sharing between institutions participating in the training such as the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Women and Family, the Secretariat of State for Social Affairs, ADDS, DISED, the National Police, the National Army, the Gendarmerie, and the Coast Guard around the theme of better data management on regular and irregular migration. The training included statistical and administrative data on migration and the impact of data available in Djibouti to describe international flows and foreign-born populations. Mr. Michel Poulain and Ms. Anne Herm, two consultants organized a session on the reliability of many migration data. This training was part of the project entitled "Capacity building of the Government of Djibouti to better collect and analyse data and statistics on migration", financed by the IOM Development Fund