
Training for Local Authorities on Migration Governance Underway in Turin

Turin – The ILO International Training Centre (ITC) in Turin, together with IOM, is this week (20-24/11) hosting a training workshop on Governing Migration at Local Level, attended by over 30 representatives from governments and international organizations. It follows the first training on Mainstreaming Migration into Policy Planning held from 30 October to 3 November, also at the ITC. This workshop marks the launch of an annual event stemming from the previous work of the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI).

In a global context of human mobility and rapid urbanization, local and regional authorities are at the forefront in addressing challenges and opportunities arising from migration. The content of the course is based on the modules of My JMDI Toolbox on migration and local development which are:

•          Managing the link between migration and development;
•          Establishing partnership, cooperation and dialogue on migration and development;
•          Empowering migrants at the territorial level and access to services;
•          Creating job and economic opportunities through migration at local level;
•          Increasing the impact on development through integration and reintegration policies.

My JMDI Toolbox has been developed by IOM and ITCILO in close cooperation with the JMDI. The five-day training aims at maximizing the potential of well-managed migration for local development, by sharing the perspectives of a broad range of actors including policy makers, civil society and academia. It is part of IOM’s various activities to empower local and regional authorities as key actors for sustainable urban development, in line with New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“If we are to succeed in developing migration policies that are fit for purpose in an increasingly mobile and connected world, it will have to be done in partnership with cities. As first responders to migration, cities are closest to and best placed to respond to the needs and realities on the ground,” said Cecile Riallant, IOM Senior Migration and Development Specialist, during the event.

Participants from Brazil, Ethiopia, Germany, Kenya and other countries are sharing their impressions of the course via social media, illustrating the various team-oriented activities taking place in Turin. “IOM Southern Africa reflecting on its regional strategic engagements with development partners: effective migration governance requires joint effort,” tweeted Naomi Shiferaw, IOM Regional Policy and Liaison Officer in Pretoria.

The training also consists of an online follow-up phase to be rolled out two weeks after the face-to-face training.

These activities are part of the second phase of the Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies programme, a joint effort between IOM and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

For more information, please contact Jorge Galindo at IOM HQ, Tel: +41227179205, Email: