
Training to Combat Passport Fraud

IOM Manila this week completed a three-day training seminar for
operational staff from the Philippine Bureau of Immigration.

The seminar focused on Passport Production and Security,
Passport Issuance Processes and Passport Examination. It was
designed to enhance participants' skills in identifying instances
of passport fraud at different stages of the process, and included
the presentation of case studies and practical exercises in
examining fraudulent passports.

The seminar followed earlier Passport Fraud workshops conducted
in Cebu and Davao for operational staff from Philippine Government
Partner Agencies of IOM's Philippine Border Management Project

PBMP is a three-year EU-funded project that aims to contribute
to the efforts of the Government of the Philippines to strengthen
and enhance its border management capacity to more effectively
manage migration in line with international norms and

The project is implemented by IOM in coordination with the
Bureau of Immigration, Bureau of Customs, Department of Foreign
Affairs, National Economic and Development Authority, National
Intelligence Coordinating Agency and Philippine Center on
Transnational Crime.

For further information, please contact:

Elisa Tsakiri

IOM Manila

Tel: +63 2 848 1260 ext. 115

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