
Taking Aim at Ebola Prevention in Ghana

Taking Aim at Ebola Prevention in Ghana

In March 2014 the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) presented itself in West Africa and has since taken thousands of lives and decimated health systems in its wake. In response to this crisis, IOM is implementing an EVD programme in West Africa to provide assistance in affected countries and prevention in bordering countries, including Ghana. Target groups include local authorities and community/civil society organisations, and various mobile populations and host communities.

Even though Ghana does not have any confirmed case of EVD, the country is a hub for various movements to and from the region. For instance, Ghana receives 13 per cent of passengers who embark on planes from three EVD affected countries – Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.1 As of 9 January 2015, 132 suspected cases in Ghana had all proven negative.

Proactive measures have to be put in place to build the capacity of some key actors to prevent the spread of the EVD across to Ghana. IOM’s prevention activities are focused on two main areas: capacity building on border health surveillance and protection from suspected EVD cases; and information outreach on EDV to raise community awareness of infection prevention and control.

Thus far, IOM has conducted assessments on EVD infection prevention and control measures at select entry points and health facilities in cooperation with WHO and Ghana Health Service. IOM also donated 8,000 posters and 20,000 bilingual (English/French) health declaration forms to Ghana Health Service for use at all major points of entries. Finally, 40 government officials (Port Health Authority, Ghana Immigration Service, Customs Excise and Prevention Services) participated in a two-day EVD prevention and control workshop (21-22 January) organized by IOM in collaboration with Port Health at the Tema and Takoradi sea ports (read more).

IOM Ghana established the Migration Health Division (MHD) in 2001 and its operations have grown to include a Migration Health Assessment Centre (MHAC) in Accra, and serves as the hub overseeing all health assessment activities in West and Central Africa. MHD has more than 10 years of experience in providing migration health assessments and travel health assistance; health promotion and assistance for migrants; and health assistance for crisis-affected populations.

In response to the current EVD crisis in the region, IOM Ghana MHD has mainstreamed EVD awareness among the staff and migrants receiving its services. Information, fact sheets and a screening questionnaire are provided to migrants receiving IOM services in Ghana. Additionally, EVD information posters have been posted at strategic locations around the IOM office and points of service delivery.

1 According to the 11 October 2014 edition of The Economist, ''The spread of Ebola: Bridges or Walls''.