
Syria Crisis: Humanitarian Situation Report

Syria - IOM’s latest issue of its humanitarian situation report on Syria and neighbouring countries is now available.  Its highlights include:

Emergency Repatriation of Stranded Migrants - The number of requests for emergency repatriation assistance continues to increase. To date, IOM assisted the evacuation of 2,688 stranded migrants. During the last week, IOM has repatriated 136 third country nationals.  Since November 2011, 6,284 stranded migrants from 37 countries have requested IOM evacuation assistance to safely return to their country of origin.

Emergency Transportation of Refugees - In the past week, IOM facilitated transportation assistance from border areas to Za’atri camp for 3,586 Syrian nationals. Since July 29, IOM facilitated the transportation of 53,168 Syrians from border areas to Za’atri Camp.

In Syria, IOM started distributing emergency non-food item kits in a new collective shelter that opened last week in Damascus’ Barzeh area. A needs assessment was also initiated for an emergency shelter repair project in two collective shelters in Dahite Qudsaya.

In Lebanon, IOM conducted its fourth Psychosocial Support session for Syrian refugee and Lebanese returnee children in Baalbeck.

In Iraq, a report based on a comprehensive rapid country-wide assessment of Syrian refugees and Iraqis returning from Syria, conducted by IOM in August-October 2012, is available online at:

The report is available online at: