
Sweden backs IOM efforts to protect vulnerable camp residents in Haiti

Haiti - IOM Haiti has received USD 2.088 million in new funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to contribute to the protection of the most vulnerable residents in camps targeted for relocation and in remaining sites not currently covered by return initiatives.

The funding will also help IOM to provide training and capacity building for national protection stakeholders, including the Ministry of Women’s Conditions and local NGOs, to improve coordination and quality of services among key social partners and ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches the most vulnerable in a timely manner.

More than three and a half years after the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010, an estimated 278,945 individuals (some 70,910 households) remain in 352 sites.

The IOM project will prioritize camps under threat of eviction, with high incidence of crime, and sexual and gender based violence.

“The most vulnerable beneficiaries will be identified and provided with a relocation grant, as well as relocation support and specialized services according to their protection needs.  This project will allow us to intervene rapidly to assist those most in need in camps that are presently not targeted by any return project,” explains Fanette Blanc, IOM protection unit programme manager.

An estimated 2,000 individuals (approximately 500 households), including unaccompanied minors, survivors and victims of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), abandoned elderly and single heads of household, will receive assistance, either directly or through referral to project partners.  IOM will also facilitate access to national identification for those lacking identity documents, a prerequisite to access health, education and social services.

As part of the programme, beneficiaries will have the opportunity to attend a six-month professional training in the fields of masonry, plumbing, sewing, IT, cosmetics and cooking. At the end of the training, they will receive materials to start small businesses for income generation.

Support will be given to project partners, including a safe house for the victims of SGBV, which IOM inaugurated with SIDA funding in 2012.

Monitoring of evictions will continue and local authorities will be trained on the legal framework regarding evictions.

The funding will allow the IOM camp management operations unit to continue providing basic services in camps and respond to any emergencies that might occur.

For more information, please contact

Ilaria Lanzoni
IOM Haiti
Tel: +509 3702 5066