
Sustainable Security Workshop

IOM Italy and the NATO Defense College are
co-organizing a workshop entitled ‘Exit Strategies: Promoting
Sustainable Security' in Rome on Friday 31 March 2006.

The workshop will analyze the pre-requisites
to reconciliation and the concept of "sustainable security"; derive
lessons from peacekeeping and reconstruction interventions in the
Balkans and Afghanistan; and assess potential cooperation between
international organizations, NGOs and the military. Up to fifty
experts in peace-building and reconciliation coming from
governmental administrations, military circles, international
organizations, NGOs and universities will take part in the event,
which is expected to identify best practices and propose
alternatives to the repetitive victim/aggressor cycle.

This forum will also raise awareness of the
consequences of wars and conflicts among the most vulnerable,
refugees and IDPs, and of the need for a psychosocial response to

IOM and the NATO Defense College have
co-produced a research paper on sustainable security for the
workshop. It can be downloaded from: "paragraph-link-underlined" href=
"" target=
"_blank" title=

A second paper, IOM's Psychosocial Note Book:
Psychosocial and Trauma Response in War-Torn Societies, The Case of
Kosovo, can be downloaded from: "paragraph-link-underlined" href=
"" target=
"_blank" title=

Last month IOM and NATO's Supreme Headquarters
Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE) signed an agreement to increase
cooperation in natural disasters, complex emergencies and post
conflict environments.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Natale Losi

Tel. + 39 06 87 45 00 22

Email: "" target="_blank" title=

Carine Rouah

Tel. + 39 06 87 44 00 12

Email: "" target="_blank" title=