
Successful Out-of-Country Voting for Referendum on Ecuador's New Constitution

Ecuadorians living overseas have successfully voted in a Referendum
to approve Ecuador's new Constitution.

According to the Parallel Voting Tabulation (PVT) 64 per cent of
the votes cast in the country were in favour of the new
Constitution and 28 per cent rejected it. Ecuador's Supreme
Electoral Tribunal confirmed that the official results of the votes
cast outside the country will be known next week –
approximately 10 days after the election.

IOM participated as an international observer for the
out-of-country voting, deploying staff in cities with large numbers
of registered voters including Madrid, Barcelona and Murcia in
Spain; Milan in Italy; the states of New York and New Jersey in the
United States; Santiago in Chile; and Caracas in Venezuela.

IOM observers agreed that the electoral process was successful
in general terms, guaranteeing the right of the Ecuadorian diaspora
to participate in the out-of-country vote. 

This is the third time that IOM has acted as an official
observer of the voting process for Ecuadorians living abroad. There
are 152,000 Ecuadorians living outside their country registered to
vote in out-of-country elections.

IOM is also providing logistical and administrative support to
the European Union (EU) Election Observation Mission currently in

For further information please contact:

Ana María Guzmán

IOM Quito

Tel: +593.

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