
Strengthening Understanding of International Migration Law

A three-day training on international migration law, organized by
IOM in coordination with the Egyptian National Council for Human
Rights (NCHR), will take place in Cairo from 26 to 28 August.

The course, which will take place at the NCHR, will provide
participants with an overview of international migration law and
instruments and discuss relevant national legislation. In this
framework, labour migration, irregular migration and human
trafficking will be addressed.

It aims to further understanding of the migration context in
Egypt as well as awareness of the international and domestic legal
instruments available to protect the rights of migrants, in
particular migrant workers and irregular migrants.

IOM experts will facilitate the training that will be attended
by some 45 participants from the National Council for Human Rights
as well as by government officials from the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the Ministry of Manpower and Emigration, the Ministry of
Interior and the Ministry of International Cooperation.
Representatives from the League of Arab States, the European Union,
the Institute for Diplomatic Studies and members from three
Egyptian NGOs will also take part in the workshop.

For further information please contact:

Fiona El Assiuty

IOM Cairo

Tel: +20 227 3508 79

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