
Special Toolkit Helps Migrants with Health Concerns to Reintegrate

The Netherlands – Stress factors related to return migration weigh heavily on returnees with a chronic medical condition. This was one of the topics discussed on 19 May 2014 at an international symposium about the return and reintegration of migrants with health issues. The symposium, organized by IOM the Netherlands, addressed the needs of this particular group of vulnerable migrants residing in the European Union (EU) who are in need of advice, guidance and resources to cope with the challenges of reintegration.

At the event, a Country Assessment Report and a practical toolkit for return counsellors were launched. The report researched the reintegration of migrants in seven countries of origin and recommends psychosocial support and counselling for returnees with a medical condition. It also stresses the importance of the supportive role of the household in the country of origin. The report advises IOM to strengthen its local network in countries of origin with strong links to local organizations that could be part of the support system of returnees.

The symposium was part of a project in which two EU Member States, Hungary and the Netherlands, are partnering. Both countries share similar concerns and challenges in adequately facilitating return and reintegration of medical cases. Seven countries of origin are taking part in the project: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ghana, Kosovo/UNSC 1244, Mongolia and Morocco.

For more information please contact Marian Lenshoek at IOM The Hague, Tel.: +31 (0) 651 576 013, Email: