
South Africa's ONE Movement Promotes Diversity and Integration through Soccer

IOM and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
in collaboration with the African Diaspora Forum (ADF) and the
Randfontein Municipality will crown the champions of the South
Africa Township Soccer Challenge on Saturday, 5th of June 2010.

The tournament forms part of IOM's "ONE Movement" campaign, an
initiative created to support the South African Government
following the May 2008 xenophobic attacks which left 62 people dead
and hundreds displaced in the townships.

The "ONE Movement" campaign aims to tackle the societal, racial
and ethnic tensions that give rise to discriminatory practices by
promoting a culture of tolerance and unity in diversity through
sports. The tournament works to build an integrated society that is
free of xenophobia and all kinds of discrimination.

Throughout its three weeks of play, the tournament has been able
to successfully bring together teams from eight townships whose
players come from various African countries, including South

This tournament taps into the current soccer fever which has
gripped South Africa, host country of the 2010 World Cup, and will
set the tone for building social cohesion and for further
integration activities by the government and other

Community discussions and dissemination of information materials
to challenge discrimination and promote a culture of tolerance and
co-existence are part of the strategy to promote tolerance for
migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers in South Africa.

The winning team will receive a prize of 20,000 Rands (USD
2,600) in cash and a grant of 80,000 Rands (USD 10,500) to put
toward a community development project of the winning township.
This will allow both migrants and locals to add value to their

For more information, please contact:

Puseletso Mompei

IOM Pretoria

Tel +27 12 342 2789

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