
Sindh Government, International Community Highlight Need for Disaster Preparedness and Camp Management Skills

The IOM-led Shelter Cluster has organized a high-level consultative
workshop in Karachi, Pakistan, on camp coordination and camp
management (CCCM) to improve disaster preparedness in Sindh.

Twenty-two representatives from provincial government, national
and international NGOs engaged in the 2011 Sindh flood response met
to discuss the need to build provincial capacity in CCCM, including
establishing a roster of experts and master trainers.

"This event represents a key step for Sindh Province's
investment in disaster risk management, preparedness and response,"
said Danish Saeed, Director General of the Provincial Disaster
Management Authority (PDMA) Sindh.

"The activities jointly implemented by IOM and PDMA through the
CCCM capacity-building programme are giving us the opportunity to
strengthen the capacity of the government and civil society in
Sindh to provide help and protection to people affected by floods
and disasters," he added.

The workshop capitalized on momentum built during a month-long
training programme in CCCM for practitioners working with people
displaced by the 2011 floods in Sindh. Some 93 aid workers from
local NGOs and government were trained in four trainings in Badin,
Dadu, Hyderabad and Sukkur in January and February 2012.

Trainees will be responsible for building the capacity of other
camp managers and ensuring the provision of protection and
assistance to displaced families in temporary settlements.

Follow up trainings are also underway, beginning next week in
Hyderabad for 30 practitioners and government counterparts working
in Mirpur Khas.

"The people of Sindh have experienced two major floods in recent
years, both resulting in major displacements, and are committed to
ensuring they are well prepared for the 2012 monsoon season," says
IOM CCCM trainer and coordinator Chris Laughlin.

Government employees such as headmasters, headmistresses and
revenue officials are often at the forefront of disaster response
and the education and revenue departments have therefore been
included in the trainings. Displaced families often seek shelter in
schools and other government buildings following flooding.

Thirty of the best trainees from all previous trainings will be
invited to participate in a training of trainers to build a
provincial roster of CCCM master trainers who can train others in
CCCM. The roster of trainers will be ready for deployment by the
provincial government authorities in the event of any future

For more information please contact:

Chris Laughlin

IOM Islamabad

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Pakistan Emergency and Stabilization Support Unit

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