
Sindh Flood Victims Continue to Suffer, IOM Reviews Funding Needs

Three months after the worst floods in southern Pakistan's history,
nearly three quarters of a million people remain displaced in Sindh
and Balochistan and a third of the affected area remains under
water, according to a multi-sectoral needs assessment prepared by
aid agencies.

Of some 800,000 homes severely damaged, some 328,000 were
totally destroyed, according to the report, which included an
assessment of temporary settlements coordinated by IOM. Pakistan's
government believes that up to twice as many households may have
been affected.

The cluster of aid agencies providing emergency shelter and non
food relief items (NFIs), which is coordinated by IOM, says tents
or plastic tarpaulin shelter kits have now only reached just
441,000 families. NFI deliveries have included some 126,000
blankets, 114,000 jerry cans, 101,000 sleeping mats, 75,000 kitchen
sets and 7,700 tool kits.

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"Another 27,000 shelter kits are in the cluster pipeline, but
the shortfall remains huge. Thousands of people are still living in
the open with little or no shelter facing falling temperatures with
the onset of winter," says IOM Pakistan Emergency Manager Tya

"Shelter cluster agencies have about 45% of the funding that
they need, but most of that money is focused on emergency shelter.
We calculate that we are only meeting about 10% of the need for
NFIs like kitchen sets, blankets and sleeping mats, most of which
were swept away in the floods," she adds.

IOM's response to the disaster, which began in August, has
included distribution of its in-country contingency stock of some
35,000 shelter and NFI kits. Each kit included two plastic sheets,
two blankets, two sleeping mats, a kitchen set and a jerry can.

It also took delivery of 300 winterized tents donated by Austria
in September. It is currently distributing another 15,000 shelter
and NFI kits donated by the UK's Department for International
Development (DFID) and 1,000 blankets and ten large tents donated
by Slovakia.

IOM plans to shortly appeal for additional funding to help
another 48,000 families. In response to its September appeal for
USD 18.1 million, it has received USD 11.63 million.

This includes UKL 4.218 million (USD 6.58 million) from the UK
Department for International Development (DFID), USD 1.8 million
from USAID's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), USD 1.5
million from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), USD 1
million from Japan and CAD 750,000 (USD 717,000) from the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA).

The money was mainly earmarked for emergency shelter and NFIs,
cluster coordination, early recovery shelter and restocking of
emergency shelter contingency stocks.

For more information on the work of the Emergency Shelter
Cluster in the 2011 Pakistan floods please go to:  "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=""
target="_blank" title=""> 

For other information please contact:

Ammarah Mubarak

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +

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