
Roll Out Mission of Migration Dialogue for Central African States (MIDCAS) Initiative in the Republic of Chad, 17-19 November 2013

Countries in the Central African Region within the Central African Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) have requested IOM to assist them in establishing a Migration Consultative Process in their region as it is the only region in the world where such process does not yet exist. The Republic of Congo Brazzaville, which held the previous ECCAS presidency, hosted the first meeting on this issue in its capital in 2012 that concluded with two important outcomes: (1) the Agreement on Informal and Non-Binding Initiative on Migration Dialogue for the ECCAS Member States (MIDCAS) and (2) Establishment of a Temporary Secretariat for MIDCAS.

In July and September 2012, IOM’s Director General met with the President and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chad at the Margins of the African Union (AU) Summit in Addis Ababa and at the IOM International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) meeting in Geneva and requested Chad, as the current President of ECCAS, to host the MIDCAS meeting at the Margins of the ECCAS Ordinary Summit in N’Djamena. Unfortunately, due to the crisis in CAR and Mali, the Summit did not take place.

The objective of the IOM-MIDACS Mission that was led by the Senior Advisor of the IOM Director General for Sub-Saharan African Countries, Mr. Charles Kwenin and the President of MIDCAS Secretariat, Mr. Michel Nkou to N'Djamena from 17 to 19 November 2013 was therefore to make a follow up on this issue.

The team met with:

  • High-ranking government officials including the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Director General of Legislation of Ministry of Justice, the Secretary of State of Ministry of Plan, the Minister of Social Affairs and the Secretary of State of Ministry of Interior;
  • The Deputy Representative of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC);
  • The United Nations (UN) Humanitarian Coordinator and
  • Heads of Diplomatic Missions including the Ambassadors of South Africa, African Union, France, United States, Germany, and European Union in Chad.

"Migration is an issue that concerns at least two countries, origin, destination and transit, and it involves several Ministries," says Mr. Charles Kwenin, IOM’s Senior Advisor of the Director General for Sub-Saharan African Countries. For this reason, the mission has strongly emphasized the need for “Coordination” between the concerned Ministries such as Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Plan and Social Action and at Inter-State and Regional levels.

"The Republic of Chad has all good reasons to host the next MIDCAS meeting in its territory as it is a member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, and will host the AU Summit in 2015," says Dr. Qasim Sufi, the IOM Chief of Mission in Chad.

By the end of the mission, Chad stated that it intends to organize the next MIDCAS meeting in N'Djamena during the first trimester of 2014. However, further follow up with concerned Government Ministries is necessary. Additionally, all Diplomatic Missions that were met have stated that MIDCAS is a very pertinent initiative that was due in the region long ago and that they are therefore ready to support it both politically and financially.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Office: +235 22 52 53 59/60 (Ext. 111)
Mobile: +235 62 90 06 74
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61

Mr. Mahamat Nour
National Project Officer, IOM Chad
Tel.: +235 22 52 53 59/60
Mobile: +235 62901007
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61