
Rio+20 Side Event Will Underline Vulnerability of Urban Migrants

IOM and UNHCR are tomorrow organizing a side event at the UN
Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) to discuss the
vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees living in cities.

IOM Director General William Lacy Swing, UNHCR High Commissioner
António Guterres, Special Representative of the UN
Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction Margareta
Wahlström and Executive Coordinator for Rio+20 Elizabeth
Thompson will attend the event, which will also bring together
high-level government officials.

Discussions will focus on the drivers of migration towards urban
areas and the particular vulnerability of urban migrants, including
refugees and displaced persons. The panel-led discussion will
highlight the need for strengthened disaster risk reduction
efforts, especially as they relate to natural disasters,
environmental degradation and climate-change related stresses.

The continuous flow of migrants, refugees and other displaced
persons is one of the key factors behind the rapid growth of
cities, with many of them originating from rural areas and smaller
urban areas.

Although many are drawn to large cities by the prospect of a
better life, others increasingly migrate from environmentally
fragile areas as a means to adapt to climate change.

The forcibly displaced often seek the protection and
opportunities that cities may offer, yet too often end up in
over-crowded slums and peripheral spontaneous settlements that lack
the most basic services.

The side event “Vulnerability of Urban Migrants:
Challenges and Responses” will also be an opportunity to
highlight the links between climate change and forced

The side event will start at 17:00 on Wednesday (20/6/12), in
Room T-6 in Pavillion 03 of Riocentro, the venue of Rio+20. It is
open to all participants accredited to the UN Conference on
Sustainable Development.

For more information, please call

Tmnit Nur


Tel. +55.21.8514.1320

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Luiz Fernando Godinho


Tel. +55.61.8187.0978

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