
The Republic of South Africa (RSA) Funds IOM Emergency Humanitarian Assistance for Chadian Returnees from Nigeria

Hostilities between Boko Haram and Nigerian Military in Nigeria have displaced numerous persons in and outside Nigeria. This included Chadian migrants in the country.
At the request of the Government of Chad, IOM and CNARR (the National Commission for Refugees and Returnees) carried out a joint assessment in the arrival area in N’Gouboua in the Lake Chad region.

Registration and profiling exercises of the displaced migrants revealed that the total number of the displaced group was 1,113 migrants predominantly children and youth who are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Following the influx, IOM made an appeal for funding. The Embassy of the RSA in Chad has positively responded to the IOM appeal and provided IOM with a donation of 114,603 Swiss Francs for the Humanitarian Assistance to Chadian returnees from Nigeria.

Ms. N.M. Tsheole, the Ambassador of the RSA in Chad presented a Symbolic Cheque of 114,603 CHF to Dr. Qasim Sufi, the IOM Chief of Mission to Chad in the presence of H.E. Mme Ruth Tedebe, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Integration at the funding allocation ceremony that was organized by the RSA Embassy in N’Djamena in “le Meridien” hotel on 28 August 2012.

The IOM humanitarian response to the group consisted in provision of:

  • Emergency shelter
  • Water and sanitation services
  • Non food items (NFIs)
  • Wet feeding
  • Protection services
  • Psychosocial services and
  • Medical care.

IOM was joined by UNICEF in the provision of the humanitarian services in terms of family tracing, reunification and protection.


Dr. Qasim Sufi 
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Office: +235 22 52 53 59/60 (Ext. 111)
Mobile: +235 62 90 06 74
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61