
Relief and Recovery Work for Flood Victims in Zimbabwe Continues

IOM teams continue to provide much-needed relief assistance to
thousands of vulnerable families, who have been severely affected
by flooding in many areas of north and eastern Zimbabwe.

IOM's relief activities are targeting the most destitute,
including people living with HIV/AIDS, single-headed female
households, the elderly and the physically disabled, as well as
children to provide them with shelter, non-food assistance such as
household items and mosquito nets, safe drinking water, sanitation
and health facilities.

In the low-lying Zambezi Valley district of Muzarabani, IOM
continues to provide flood-affected households with water purifying
tablets, tarpaulins, blankets and mosquito nets as well as
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials.

In the Save Valley area in Chipinge, Manicaland, some 3,000
households that lost all their worldly possessions to the late
December floods are also receiving blankets, mosquito nets,
emergency shelter materials and IEC materials. 

IOM's interventions are currently focusing on bringing
assistance to Tongogara Refugee Camp, and to the areas of Farm 25,
Maronga, Chibuwe, Chiso, Masimbe, Gumira, Maparadze, Chisuma and

In Harare, the communities of Epworth and Caledonia continue to
be affected by the rains with the collapse of building structures
and a breakdown of sanitary infrastructures.

In Caledonia, IOM assisted 339 households with shelter,
distributed 602 blankets and 259 mosquito nets.  Additionally,
272 households were assisted with materials for emergency pit
latrines due to damage and the destruction of facilities.

Beyond the emergency phase, IOM is planning early recovery
activities through the construction of transitional shelters and
support for the revitalization of livelihoods.

IOM's assistance to flood victims is made possible through the
support of Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and the
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO), and in
cooperation with the Civil Protection Unit of Zimbabwe.

For further information, please contact:

Erin Foster

IOM Harare

Tel +263 433 50 48

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