
Reconciliation Colombia Expands Scope, Activities

Colombia - Reconciliación Colombia: más diálogo, más región, más acción, (Reconciliation Colombia: More Dialogue, More Regions, More Action), a civil society initiative that began in September 2013 to create local and regional reconciliation projects and generate spaces for dialogue between different Colombian regions, this week reported on its achievements to date.

The initiative, which brings together civil society, media, the private sector and international agencies, including IOM, has been supported by IOM since its inception. It aims to generate ongoing cooperation and dialogue to allow the different regions to exchange information to better prepare for post-conflict society.

This week’s event called on business people to understand that generating wealth is not only about providing financing, but also about strengthening local capacities. It also called on media to modify their language and to avoid feeding the conflict and social polarization; on academia to transition from research to action; on international agencies to focus on existing projects; and on civil society organizations to become more active in influencing public policy and fighting corruption.

New Reconciliación Colombia initiatives will include: a prize for the best governors committed to reconciliation; a peace and reconciliation prize for best business initiatives; an alliance with the United Nations; and the Reconciliation Fund to strengthen and replicate many of the initiatives identified.

In the past nine months, over 450 regional meetings were held; over 500 initiatives were collected (; and four regional events were attended by over 200 community leaders to raise awareness about reconciliation initiatives implemented despite the ongoing armed conflict. Some of the outcomes can be seen in a Spanish-language video ¿Por qué Colombia quiere reconciliarse? (Why does Colombia want to reconcile?)

Reconciliación Colombia is supported by the IOM / USAID Community-Oriented Reintegration of Ex-Combatants Program. The program provided technical assistance in the definition of the project strategy and the design of a communications strategy to raise awareness of the initiatives; organized a series of regional dialogues; and assisted in the design of a web portal to facilitate public access to information.

“We have had the opportunity to identify and raise awareness about reconciliation experiences in Colombia.  And although many have been built with few resources, we hope that international cooperation and private businesses can strengthen existing initiatives and help to create public policy that will make them sustainable for the future,” said Marcelo Pisani, IOM Colombia Chief of Mission.

Colombia’s Vice President, Angelino Garzón, referring to Reconciliación Colombia, said: “The country cannot be condemned to 50 more years of violence, so this initiative should be multiplied in a great national debate so that topics related to reconciliation are brought to the country’s attention. All sectors should take on commitments to ensure reconciliation.”

For more information, please contact

Jadin Vergara
IOM Colombia
Tel: +57 1 639 7777 Ext 1721