
Psychosocial Workshop for Community Mobilizers

In the framework of a newly launched one-year psychosocial project funded by the Government of Germany, IOM Chad in collaboration with the Chadian Red Cross has carried out a one-day workshop in the northern town of Kalait, one of the areas of high return of Chadian migrants returning from Libya.

A total of 15 community members participated in the workshop.

The principal objective of the workshop was to train community members in helping Chadian returnees from Libya reintegrate.

The project will provide the affected migrants and host communities with knowledge and skills as well as tools to address the psychosocial concerns of the returnees.

The workshop is a key component of the project and will be replicated in many other areas of high return in Chad.


Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Tel. (Landline): +235 22 5253 59/60 (Ext. 111)
Tel. (Mobile): +235 62 90 0674
Fax: +235 22 52 5361


Ms. Pauline Birot
Psychosocial Officer, IOM Chad
Tel. (Landline): +235 22 5253 59/60
Tel. (Mobile): +235 62 93 04 46
Fax: +235 22 52 5361