
Providing Sustainable Services to Victims of Trafficking in UNSC Resolution 1244-Administered Kosovo

A Kosovo Anti-Trafficking Programme (KAP) jointly administered by
IOM and the Academy for Educational Development (AED) has announced
new income-generation activities supporting local shelter
organizations assisting women and child victims of domestic
violence and trafficking.

Project activities include micro-enterprise start-up and
development support for non-governmental organizations (NGO)
shelters serving victims of trafficking. This will provide training
in leadership, management, strategic planning and business
development, as well as provide fincancial assistance.

These new activities are part of KAP's strategic  goal of
building sustainable support for victim services and  is based
on recommendations from a small business feasibility study and
market assessment conducted by KAP. The project will support
community-based micro-business such as bee-keeping, flower
cultivation and photocopying services.  In addition to
ensuring ongoing access to services for victims of trafficking, the
project also provides employment opportunities, reducing
vulnerability to re-trafficking.

KAP is funded by the US Agency for International Development
(USAID) Mission in Kosovo and works closely with communities
nationwide to raise awareness about the dangers of trafficking
among youth and other at-risk groups and to facilitate access to
local services and information which address vulnerability to
trafficking. The programme works closely as well with government
counterparts including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, to reduce the incidence of
human trafficking in Kosovo.

For more information, please contact:

Bekim Ajdini

IOM Kosovo

Tel: +377 45 322 870

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IOM Mission in Kosovo

Tel: +381 38 249 058/59

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