
Providing Assistance to Families Displaced by Fighting in Pakistan

IOM is providing 30,000 non-food item (NFIs) kits to assist
vulnerable displaced families as part of the on-going coordinated
humanitarian response to the mass displacement in Pakistan's
Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and North West Frontier

The assistance, which consists of locally bought fleece
blankets, quilts, sleeping mats, jerry cans, buckets, mosquito nets
and soap will be trucked to Peshawar for distribution by IOM and UN
partner agencies.

Some 5,000 all-weather tents will also be dispatched to provide
additional shelter for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) who
are currently living in the homes of friends and relatives, often
cramped and unsanitary conditions.

IOM is also working in partnership with UN-HABITAT, World Vision
and CRS to provide shelter upgrades such as tarpaulins, bamboo and

Primary health care assistance will also be provided to IDPs
living in host communities in the Swabi and Buner districts, as
well as psychosocial support for IDPs living in camps and host
communities in the district of Mardan. 

"Although the general security situation in NWFP and FATA
remains challenging and unpredictable, we are committed to working
with our governmental, UN, NGO and community  partners to
provide much needed assistance to an increasing number of
conflict-affected families," says IOM's Head of Emergency and
Stabilization Programming Brian Kelly.

As of 14 May, a total of 93,157 families (718,080 individuals)
had been displaced by the recent fighting between government and
Taliban forces. This comes on top of the more than 550,000
previously displaced individuals. 

IOM's current humanitarian activities valued at USD 4.8 million
are funded by the United States Agency for International
Development Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).

IOM has prepared programming in the Pakistan Humanitarian
Response Plan appeal within the sectors of Protection, Health,
Shelter, Security Coordination, and Early Recovery.  The
appeal will be launched

For more information, please contact:

Tya Maskun

IOM Pakistan

Tel: +92 30 05 00 72 68

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