
Promoting Safe and Legal Migration

An EU-funded information campaign to promote safe and legal
migration among would-be migrants in Colombia's coffee-growing
region and the Northern Valle department and to alert them of the
risks of irregular migration is being launched today by IOM.

The six-month campaign, which involves the dissemination of
information through radio and TV spots, the Internet and print
media, underlines the importance of acquiring proper documentation
when travelling or working abroad and cautions individuals against
using smuggling networks.

It is estimated that a large percentage of the 3.3 million
Colombians living abroad are irregular migrants with a majority of
women between the ages of 30-34.

The regions targeted by this information campaign are the main
source areas for Colombian migrants. Fifteen per cent of all
households in these regions have at least one family member
residing abroad, mostly in Spain (54 per cent) and North America
(33 per cent). 

For more information, please contact:

Jorge Andres Gallo

IOM Bogota

Tel: + 5715946410 Ext. 142

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