
Prevention and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections along Ecuador's Northern Border

To strengthen local health capacity to address the spread of
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), IOM is training local
Ministry of Public Health personnel providing medical assistance to
Colombians who have crossed into Ecuador in search of international
protection as well as to local residents.

The support to medical brigades working with these communities
is one of the main activities of IOM's Emergency Assistance for
Persons in Search of International Protection Programme, which
began in 2005 with funding from the US State Department's Bureau of
Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) and covers Colombia's
border areas with Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela.

The trained medical brigades will evaluate, diagnose and treat
an estimated 300 women and partners affected by STI.  The pap
smears and histopathology tests carried out will also serve to
determine the prevalence of STIs in the border area in order to
provide prevention and treatment services.

The project design was based on the results of an HIV prevalence
study carried out in the communities of San Lorenzo, Tambillo and
Limones, which determined high levels of STIs in these communities,
especially amongst pregnant women.

Since August 2007, IOM has been working to support the
strengthening of sexual and reproductive health services, including
HIV/AIDS prevention. 

A survey conducted in February 2008 by the UN High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR) reported an estimated 85,000 Colombians living
in communities along Ecuador's northern border.  Some 35,000
persons confirmed that they had applied for asylum, but only 70 per
cent were found to have special protection needs.

IOM is working with the Ministry of Public Health, Provincial
Health Department of Esmeraldas, the "Salud Cordero" Foundation and
the Ecuadorian Red Cross.

For more information contact:

Ana Guzman

IOM Ecuador

Tel:  (593-2)-225-3948

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