
Preventing Irregular Migration

As part of efforts to combat significant levels of irregular
migration from Niger, and following a similar initiative in Senegal
recently, the government of Niger and IOM have launched an
information campaign aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of
irregular migration in order to better prevent it.

Run by IOM with the support of state-run and private newspapers,
radio and television stations, the four-week long campaign will
include a road show, which will travel to towns and villages
affected by high rates of emigration in the north-eastern region of
Tahoua and around the town of Maradi, near the Nigerian

The road show, which will first tour the region of Niamey, has
enlisted the support of former irregular migrants who will testify
to the ordeal they suffered in the hands of smuggling

The campaign will not only support government efforts to stem
irregular migration but will also inform potential migrants of
legal methods of migration in an effort to avoid the many tragedies
befalling irregular migrants, often including loss of life in the
deserts or crossing the sea in unseaworthy dugouts.

IOM is also providing other migration management support to
Niger, which joined the Organization in 2004, including supporting
efforts on border control issues through the provision of training
and equipment, on travel document reinforcement, and in the
voluntary return and reintegration of migrants. This includes
assistance provided to 50 migrants who have returned voluntarily
from Libya since February 2007.

The campaign, which falls within a programme of inter-regional
dialogue between the European Union (EU) and North and Sub-Saharan
Africa, is funded by the European Commission, Germany, Belgium,
Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Most migrants from Niger migrate to other countries in West and
Central Africa. A small percentage, however, attempt to reach
Europe, with France being the main destination country.

For further information, please contact:

Yagana Tandja

IOM Niamey

Tel: +227 20 75 25 07

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