
Poster Competition Flags Community Policing and Human Rights in Indonesia

IOM and the Royal Netherlands Embassy are supporting a national
community policing and human rights poster competition organized by
the Indonesian National Police (INP).

The competition, which is part of the INP's Community Policing
and Human Rights strategy, attracted some 143 contestants with 235
posters competing for IDR 17.5 million in prize money.

Contestants included high school students, university students,
journalists, police officers and members of the general public.

A jury comprising University of Indonesia communications expert
Effendi Gazali, Jakarta Arts Council head Marco Kusumawijaya,
National Commission for Human Rights Commissioner Joseph Adi
Prasetyo, INP Law Division head Inspector General Aryanto Sutadi
and IOM community engagement consultant Zumrotin Susilo, will
announce the winning entries on July 1st.

The three winning entries will be displayed at a National Police
Exhibition and will subsequently be distributed to every police
station in Indonesia.

For further information please contact:

Monica Tanuhandaru

Tel. No.: +62 811895648

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Jihan Labetubun

Tel. No.: +62 8111907028

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