
PLURAL + Video Competition Calls on Youth to Explore Migration and Diversity Issues

Youth around the world are invited to participate in a dynamic
video competition on issues surrounding migration and diversity.
PLURAL + is organized by the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) and
the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration
with a number of organizations, including the Anna Lindh
Foundation, Baka Forum, Chinh India, the Royal Film Commission of
Jordan, UNICEF and the Media That Matters Film Festival.

Recognizing youth as agents of social change in a world often
characterized by intolerance, and ethnic and religious divisions,
the PLURAL + video competition is aimed at involving youth in
addressing questions on migrant integration, inclusiveness,
identity, diversity, human rights and social cohesiveness wherever
they be in the world.

Youth worldwide are invited to submit short videos on their
thoughts, experiences, opinions, questions and suggestions on the
issues and on ensuring coexistence in diverse cultural and
religious contexts.

Launched today during the AoC’s 2nd Forum in Istanbul,
PLURAL + will offer a unique global snapshot of the contemporary
challenges of a world in motion.

“The practical contributions of young people -- whether
they are migrants, second-generation immigrants or indeed
non-migrants – in not just identifying constraints but also
in promoting a climate of respect and appreciation for one other
can help show the way forward in creating a more enlightened
world,” says Luca Dall’Oglio, IOM’s Permanent
Observer to the United Nations. “Let’s not forget it is
the youth of today that will have to deal with the world of

“What is particularly exciting about PLURAL + is that it
gives youth a global voice to communicate through the media with
authorities, policy-makers and society as a whole on an important
social debate. After all, it is often on the frontlines of the
school, the playground, the sports field, in the community at large
as well as at home that issues of inclusiveness, identity and
diversity are played out,” says Marc Schueuer, AoC’s

Videos can be submitted from 1 June until 30 September 2009. A
prestigious international jury will announce the winners in New
York on 18 December 2009, the UN International Migrants Day. The
winning videos will receive awards as well as broad recognition and
exposure through multi-platform distribution including broadcast,
satellite, internet, film festivals and DVD.

For full details on PLURAL + including submission forms,
competition guidelines and regulations, please go to: "" target="_blank" title="">
or to "">