
PLURAL+ Third Youth Video Festival on Migration and Diversity Calls for Youth Participation

Building on the success of the past two years of PLURAL+, a youth
video festival on migration, diversity and social inclusion, the
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the IOM again
invite the world’s youth to submit dynamic and
forward-thinking videos focusing on these issues.

Young people between the ages of 9 and 25 are invited to submit
short videos of one to five minutes in length.  The videos
should express participants’ thoughts, experiences, questions
and suggestions on migration, diversity, integration and identity,
highlighting their realities as well as ideas on developing a
peaceful coexistence in diverse cultural and religious

The aim of PLURAL+ is to ensure youth engagement on these
important issues both at local and global levels by mainstreaming
their voices through a variety of media platforms and distribution
networks (broadcast television, video festivals, conferences,
events, Internet, and DVDs) around the world.

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"/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/graphics/interface/icons_buttons/blue_link_box.gif"> "" target="_blank" title="">PLURAL+

Since 2009, PLURAL+ has not only provided young people with an
effective platform to express themselves on key migration and
diversity issues, but also the opportunity to reinforce IOM and
UNAOC’s belief that youth can be powerful and creative agents
of social change.

"PLURAL+ demonstrates how young people across the world want to
engage in complex social issues such as migration and cultural
inclusiveness,” said Marc Scheuer, Director of the Alliance
of Civilizations. “We were very pleased with the quality and
relevance of the entries received before and we are thankful for
the commitment of PLURAL+’s partners in supporting the
distribution of these videos at festivals, conferences and
television broadcasters around the world."

"We were pleased to see that PLURAL+ entrants shared their
thoughts, struggles and fears about being young as well a migrant.
The true voice of PLURAL+ is found by listening to a population
which is not only entering a new society as a migrant, but entering
adulthood as well," said Michele Klein-Solomon, IOM Permanent
Observer to the United Nations.

A prestigious international jury will select three winners in
three age categories (9 to 12, 13 to 17, 18 to 25). Each winner
will be invited to New York, all travel expenses paid, to present
their work at PLURAL+ 2011 Awards Ceremony at the Paley Center for
Media on 10 November 2011.

PLURAL+ partner organizations will also award other prizes and
professional opportunities, including co-production opportunities
and a chance for awardees to gain international exposure by
presenting their work at film and video festivals, conferences and
events around the world.

PLURAL+ 2011 deadline for video submission is 1 July, 2011.
Early submission is encouraged.  Further information,
including guidelines, regulations, awards, and the entry form can
be found at the PLURAL+ website at: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=

PLURAL+ is a joint project of the UNAOC and the IOM with the
support of many international partners, including: AlJadeed TV,
Anna Lindh Foundation, BaKaFORUM, Chinh India, CineSalud Spain, CMS
NewYork, COPEAM, FFUC, MEC Serbia, NEXOS, Respect Magazine France,
Roots&Routes Germany, RFC Jordan, WBFF Italy, SIGNIS, FPW
Armenia, UNTV, UNESCO AV Platform, TCC New York, UNICEF, and WNV
New York.

For more information, please contact:

Amy Muedin

IOM New York

Email: "">


Matthew Wade

IOM New York

E-mail: ""> 
