
Peru Launches "Peru with You" Campaign

Peru - In order to respond to the information needs of migrants in Peru and Peruvians abroad, the Peruvian Government, with IOM’s support, has launched an information campaign: "Peru with You” (Perú Contigo).

The initiative included the development of four information videos on topics including informed and safe migration, human trafficking, social security agreements signed by Peru, and the implementation of the agreement on residence in the (South American) Mercosur region.

While access to information is vital to reduce the risks associated with migration, the videos were designed to explain the channels and mechanisms through which the migrants can exercise their right to safe migration.

"Peru with You" is an easily accessible information tool that aims to sensitize people to the importance of human rights in the migration process. It also seeks to provide migrants and their families with knowledge about how they can benefit from agreements signed by Peru, in areas including remittances, the right to work and retirement, and the right of entry, transit and exit from host countries.

The launch of the campaign was chaired by Peru’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Julio Martinetti Macedo and the IOM Peru Chief of Mission, Jose Ivan Dávalos. Congresswomen Maria Soledad Pérez Tello and María Luisa Cuculiza also took part.

"While migrants continue to look for opportunities for themselves and their families, it is vital that we continue to provide them with information on their human rights and the mechanisms that exist from which they can benefit," said Dávalos.

Peru with You” was created by the Migration Management Multisectoral Commission (MTIGM by its Spanish acronym), which is attached to the Peruvian Foreign Affairs Ministry. MTIGM was set up in 2011 to propose, coordinate and monitor public policies linked to migration matters and is supported by the IOM Development Fund-backed project: “Strengthening Migration Management in Peru.

Watch videos: “Peru with You” Campaign

For further information please contact Gonzalo Lecca at IOM Peru, Tel. +511 6330000, Email: