
Paraguay- Official presentation of International Technical Team

Paraguay- Official presentation of International Technical Team

Whitin the framework of the project "Strengthening the Paraguayan Migration System", funded by the IOM Development Fund, within the component II, whose task is the development of a diagnostic document for the modernization of migration management in Paraguay, it was held on October 7 at the Grand Hotel del Paraguay, the official launch of the International Technical Team of IOM that will have this important mission.

The event was attended by various public institutions related to the topic of Boarder Management and Technologies: from the National Police, National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics, National Secretary of Tourism, National Secretary of Information Technology and Communication, National Board of Customs, State Administration of Ports and Shipping, National Customs, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Anti-Drug Secretariat, MOPC and the ID Department.

Organized by the General Directorate of Migration, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration, the event was chaired by the Head of IOM Mission in Paraguay, Richard Velazquez; the General Director of Migration, Jorge Kronawetter and the International Techical Team, composed by Pier Rossi Longhi, Antonio Meono and Helger Frommert who stressed the importance of the meeting and diversity of participating institutions, so the document can be as complete as possible and will cover as many topics as it can.

It has to be emphasized that with the proposal of the Document, what is sought is to incorporate a computing platform (Software and Hardware) to the management of migratory flows in which Paraguay owns the source code, infrastructure and training of officials functioning in border points.

During the course of the event, the various institutions involved were invited to express their activities and relationship with the migratory area, and then focus on their concerns regarding the issue, thus, the team could evaluate and explore ways of supporting these problems in the approach of the Document for the Modernization of Migration Management to be written.

Also, the Head of IOM Mission in Paraguay, Richard Velazquez, said that in the process of Border Management Modernization, interagency coordination is one of the main elements that today must be considered to establish a Migration Policy and Management strategy and not only at the country level, but in its relationship with other countries, and also highlighted the efforts being made from various institutions on migration, such as the project led by the MOPC about improvements in Falcon Port, and what it has to be look for is how to coordinate actions of various institutions in order to maximize results.

For more information, please contact:
Eduardo Carrillo
Press Assistant - International Migration Office- IOM
Cell phone number: +595981-50-90-20
Office Number: +59521-296-882