
Pakistani emergency responders train in camp management

Pakistan - IOM is partnering with Rescue 1122, the largest emergency response service in Pakistan, to deliver camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) training for emergency responders.

Given the strategic importance of Rescue 1122 (the name is the same as the rescue hotline number), the trainings will pave the way for a structured response to future emergencies across the country.

IOM initiated this capacity-building progamme in 2011 to train local groups in effective management of emergency situations. Since its inception, over 1,000 representatives of government and the humanitarian community have been trained in the worst flood-affected districts of Sindh province.

At the request of government and humanitarian partners, certified master trainers will now support the expansion of the programme into new regions of the country. The Director General of Rescue 1122 has also requested IOM’s support to train additional trainers and responders.

IOM this week co-facilitated a three-day CCCM training for District Emergency Officers from all 36 districts of Punjab at the Rescue 1122 Emergency Services Academy in Lahore. This will be followed by a Training of Trainers later this month which will allow trainings to take place in each district.

“We hope that our partnership with IOM will enhance the capacity of our staff to manage disasters. CCCM trainings will not only play a critical role in training the District Emergency Officers about the scope and extent of their work, enabling them to perform their duties in a more organized and efficient manner, but it will also orient them to the SPHERE standards, enhancing their ability to provide assistance at par with international standards of excellence,” says Dr. Rizwan Naseer, Director General of the Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122).

IOM’s Chief of Mission in Pakistan, Enrico Ponziani noted: “This initiative will allow us to get closer, and be more accountable to our beneficiaries, which is crucial to the global humanitarian reform process.”

For more information, please contact 

Pakistan Emergency Stabilization and Support Unit (PESSU)
IOM Islamabad