
Online Magazine: How to Help Refugees to Get a Job

This is the online magazine about VOORwerk. This publication is interesting for anyone who wants to help refugees to get a job; it is also a thank-you to everyone who has contributed to the project in the past three years.

The VOORwerk project focuses on the development of soft skills and employability skills, based on the talents of the individual participants. More than 3,000 refugees participated in the VOORwerk training. Participants told us that the training they received gives them confidence with getting a job. In other words: this approach works!

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The magazine gives you a mix of facts and stories about VOORwerk. Meet the project’s participants, employers and trainers and be inspired by their experiences. The VOORwerk is a collaboration between the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers COA, the International Organization for Migration IOM, and the Foundation for Refugee Students UAF. 

The three-year project will end this month and aimed at refugees with a residence permit residing in asylum seekers centres. The project was made possible with a subsidy from the European Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (AMIF).