
One million Myanmar migrants targeted in massive info campaign

Thailand - IOM Missions in Myanmar and Thailand are working with government counterparts on an information campaign to publicize new documentation procedures for irregular migrant workers and their dependents.

The Royal Thai Government recently announced a grace period of 120 days for the estimated one million undocumented workers from Myanmar and their dependents on its territory. The move comes a month after the official end of the most recent round of nationality verification which has seen around 1.3 million Myanmar migrant workers regularize their status in Thailand since 2009 (according to Myanmar’s Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security).

During the grace period, migrants and their dependents will be able to regularize their status, obtain a temporary passport and a work permit. Meanwhile, employers must submit the names of migrant workers to Thailand’s Department of Employment for initial processing between 15 February and 15 March.

Regularization of status should ensure migrants a minimum wage, health services, and an option to participate in Thailand’s social security scheme.

The governments of Thailand and Myanmar have been cooperating on migration management issues since 2003 when a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on the employment of workers was signed. The new documentation process is timely as it supports the two countries’ joint on-going efforts to combat trafficking in persons and enhance protection against exploitation in the workplace.

Jeff Labovitz, IOM’s Chief of Mission in Thailand confirmed IOM’s backing: “Our support will include a targeted information campaign at migrant hot-spot areas across Thailand. We’ll be mobilizing our partners in local migrant networks, and working with the Department of Employment, the International Labour Organization, and the Migrant Working Group to raise awareness of the grace period among all those employing migrant workers,” he said.

IOM’s information campaign will promote and raise awareness of the One-Stop Service Centres located throughout the interior of Thailand. These Centres, operated by the Government of Myanmar in coordination with Thai counterparts, will make it easier for undocumented migrants from Myanmar to access temporary passports and work permits, due to simplified procedures and the Centres’ positions near industrial zones.

The Centres are gearing up to handle several hundred thousand applications over the coming two months.

IOM Chief of Mission in Myanmar Mariko Tomiyama said, “This grace period presents a window of opportunity for significant numbers of irregular workers to become documented, allowing them to enjoy increased protection and access to services. IOM Myanmar will also be working with Myanmar’s Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the International Labour Organization and NGO partners to expand opportunities for persons to migrate legally to Thailand, right from their source communities.”
IOM missions in both countries will be working with government counterparts and partners to clarify registration procedures, to translate information materials on the grace period into minority languages, and to support migrants with information and other services at the One-Stop Service Centres.

For more information, please contact

Joe Lowry
IOM Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 343 9430
Mobile: +66 81 870 8081