
"No to Human Trafficking, No to Modern Slavery"

IOM is launching a new information campaign in Argentina to combat
trafficking in persons, to raise awareness of trafficking among the
general public and to promote a toll-free telephone hotline, where
cases of trafficking can be reported.

The nationwide campaign, “No a la trata de personas, no a
la esclavitud moderna” (“No to human trafficking, no to
modern slavery”) includes a video clip, TV and radio spots
featuring the popular Uruguayan actress and singer Natalia

The video, based on the story of a woman who has been lured into
trafficking after having accepted a bogus job offer abroad, will be
aired on local and national channels as of April. Posters and
brochures will also be widely distributed by partner NGOs and
institutions as part of this US-funded programme. 

The toll-free hotline will be managed by Argentina’s
National Institute against Discrimination and Xenophobia

IOM has expanded its counter-trafficking activities in
Argentina, focusing particularly on strengthening the capacity of
government officials and non-governmental organizations to provide
protection and assistance to victims of trafficking.

The northern provinces of Misiones, Jujuy, Tucumán and
Entre Ríos are among the poorest in the country and are the
source for much of the internal trafficking taking place with
victims being taken to large urban areas such as tourist
destinations and towns involved in the oil and fishing

Argentina is also a destination country for international
trafficking with victims trafficked from Paraguay, Dominican
Republic and other countries for sexual exploitation and from
Bolivia and Perú for labour exploitation. 

An IOM study on human trafficking that includes Argentina, Chile
and Uruguay will also be launched later this week as part of this
information campaign.

For more information, contact:

Elena Solari

IOM Buenos Aires

Tel: +54 1 14 815 51 94

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