
New York Hosts Conference on International Migration and Development

A conference focusing on the legal and policy perspectives of
international migration and development and organized by IOM and
the Center for Migration Studies (CMS) in New York this week will
provide a timely opportunity to critically review what has been
achieved with previous dialogues on international migration and
development and where the debate is headed.

The Conference on International Migration and Development:
Continuing the Dialogue – Legal and Policy Perspectives, on
17-18 January, will bring together government representatives,
academia, researchers, media, policymakers and practitioners.

Recalling the United Nations High-Level Dialogue on
International Migration and Development in 2006, other regional and
international initiatives, including the Global Forum on Migration
and Development hosted in Brussels in 2007 with a follow up to be
hosted in Manila in October this year, the Conference will examine
some of the key findings, recommendations and implications of these
events and will provide expert discussions on the next steps for
the international community.

The Conference will be opened by IOM Director General Brunson
McKinley, Father Joseph Fugolo, Executive Director of CMS and Dr.
Asha-Rose Migiro, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Representatives of Belgium and of the Philippines will also
participate as organizers of the Global Forum on Migration and

The broad diversity of participants with different perspectives
and interests will provide valuable interactions, offering insights
into policy and legal implications and appropriate policy

A focus on legal and policy aspects relating to international
migration, and the welfare, rights and integration of migrants will
round out the first day of this Conference. Day two will focus on
international labour mobility and development.

Discussions on partnerships will include inputs from members of
The New York Times, the MacArthur Foundation and the Global
Migration Group which is made up of 14 international agencies. A
panel focusing on diasporas, remittances and development will
include studies and real world examples that link these areas of
migration to development. The Conference will close with a
discussion on research priorities and gaps with a special focus on
the environment and migration.

Media are welcome to attend this event, which will be at the UN
Millennium Plaza Hotel in New York City near the United

For more information or to request interviews with participants,
please contact:

Amy Muedin

IOM New York

Tel: +1-212-681-7000 ext. 212

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