
New Website to Promote Migrants Rights

IOM has launched a new website aimed at promoting migrants rights
in West Africa through greater awareness of international
conventions and laws dealing with the issue and that of internally
displaced people (IDPs) and on the application of these norms in
the region.

The website – "" target="_blank" title=
""> – is the result of
collaboration with the Cheikh Anta Diop University in the
Senegalese capital, Dakar, and marks the end of a regional
programme on international migration law covering Benin, Burkina
Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Senegal and

Visitors to the site can get free and easy access to training
modules and documents on international migration law and will be
particularly useful for all those interested and working in this
field in West Africa and who want to hold trainings on the

Each training module deals with recurring issues in the
migration field such as the link between migration and human
rights, the rights of refugees and the rights of labour migrants
and victims of human trafficking.

Other modules for those wanting to go further cover the
relationship between migration and development and migration and
the environment.

For further information please contact:

Timon Van Lidth

IOM Dakar

Tel: +221 33 869 62 38

E-mail: "">


Madani Hane

Tel: +221 33 869 62 15

E-mail: "">