
New Manuals To Help Immigration Officials

IOM, in collaboration with Kenya’s Department of Immigration,
has developed a manual on border procedures to help immigration
officers, particularly in remote border stations, deal with
procedural challenges in situations where they need to act
promptly. IOM has also developed a manual on procedures for
examining passports. Both are part of a programme funded by the US
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Burerau to help
strengthen Kenya’s capacity to manage migration flows into,
through and from the country.

Due to its porous borders, Kenya’s Immigration Department
has to grapple with challenges such as human smuggling and
trafficking and an influx of refugees from countries such as
neighbouring Somalia.

The manuals are expected to enhance immigration officers’
confidence and facilitate the screening of bona fide travellers in
addition to helping officials to intercept criminals and people
travelling on forged passports. They will be distributed widely
within the department and regional headquarters, airports, all
border controls and missions abroad, and are to be used in
conjunction with existing laws and guidelines governing migration
in Kenya.

In addition, IOM has provided immigration officers with
specialized training in border management, impostor profiling and
fraudulent document examination using state-of-the-art equipment
which will be used alongside the manuals.

For further information, please contact:

Rose Ogola

IOM Kenya

Tel: +25 20 4444 167

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