
New IOM Studies Shed Light on Peruvian Diaspora

With almost two million nationals estimated to be living outside
the country, government officials and other policy makers need
reliable and up-to-date information on the demographic, social and
political impact of these outflows.

Two new publications, produced by IOM's Regional Office in Lima,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Statistics and
Information Institute (INEI by its Spanish acronym) and General
Directorate for Migration and Naturalization (DIGEMI by its Spanish
acronym), are shedding light on the migration phenomenon that has
been occurring in Peru for almost two decades.

"Peru: Migration Statistics 1990-2007", produced by IOM and
DIGEMI, brings together information on numbers, characteristics and
trends throughout the period covered, and profiles the Peruvian

The second publication, "Characteristics of International
Migrants, Communities of Origin and Remittance Recipients",
produced by IOM and INEI, provides details of the communities of
origin, the social economic conditions, the number of families
receiving remittances and how this income has impacted on their
level of shelter, health, and education.

According to Peru's National Bank, in 2007 more than USD 2.2
billion in remittances were sent by overseas migrants to their
family in Peru; a  20 per cent increase over the previous
year.  This amount equals 8 per cent of exports and to 2.2 per
cent of GNP for 2007.  More than 400,000 households (1.6
million persons) have directly benefited from these

The publications are available in Spanish at the IOM website class="paragraph-link-no-underline" href=

For more information please contact:

Juan Pablo Casapía

IOM Lima

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