
New Funds to Help Fight Human Trafficking

The provision of new funds from the US government's development
agency USAID will allow IOM to contribute in the implementation of
a national plan of action on countering human trafficking and other
forms of violence.

In addition to providing technical support to the commission in
charge of the development and implementation of the plan, the
donation of US$250,000 will allow IOM to promote the 101 national
police helpline as part of efforts to provide greater protection
and assistance to victims of human trafficking.

Recognizing the importance of public/private alliances in
counter-trafficking efforts, IOM will also sign a cooperation
agreement between USAID, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ricky
Martin Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank and the
National Institute for Child and Family in a bid to raise public
awareness of the issue through a campaign called 'Call and

Ecuador has decided to use the 101 national helpline to address
human trafficking issues, such as the prevention of the crime, the
protection of and assistance to victims, and the prosecution of

Using its experience in setting up counter-trafficking helplines
elsewhere in the region, IOM will provide technical assistance in
the adaptation of existing police software.

These measures are part of IOM efforts in the country to support
the work of the authorities in countering human trafficking and
follow the signing of an agreement with the Specialized Department
for Children and Adolescents of the National Police and a
tripartite agreement with the National Institute for Child and
Family and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

For further information please contact:

Nadia Zelisko

Tel: +593.2.4449.28/29

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